Friday, November 16, 2007

Family Meal by Doug Adesko

adesko setting up the 8 x10 camera, el sobrante, ca 2007
Last friday my wife went out of town for a long weekend, leaving me alone with our 2 boys. I was essentially dreading having to manage them all by myself, so I took every opportunity possible to get people to share the time with me:

Hey...can I stop by?

How about you stop by?

Sure, anytime....we are here...not going anywhere...

Photographer Doug Adesko came by in an attempt to photograph myself and the boys eating dinner together, as part of his ongoing project titled "Family Meal". Shot with an 8 x 10 view camera, it's a fascinating anthropological study of people all across America engaging in this daily ritual that most of us never even think of as such. Is this a contender for Best Unpublished Book #2?
See the whole project HERE.


ThomasBroening said...

I did not know you were friends with that Caveman from the Geico ads. Way to network!

ThomasBroening said...
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Cade Overton said...

Timothy Archibald said...

Oh, DiRado's work is great. I read about it a while ago on Alec Soth's blog. Looks like he is shooting his own family, rather than others...seems like a close kin to the work of Nicholas Nixon, and I think DiRado is in the shots, isn't he?

Cade Overton said...

yes, it's mainly the people in his life including himself... I like Adesko's work also, but for very different reasons. Interesting to see two approaches to both "family" and "meals"...

Anonymous said...

I love the variety, or lack of it, in the food, and the expressions and poses that lead to all sorts of back stories to put on the meals - great work.